November 3, 1898
MERE motion, even in a straight line, is not always progress.
THE man who is careless of the truth is often very particular about error.
THE “old-fashioned” methods of reforming society which some modern preachers have outgrown, have not become antiquated with the Lord.
WHEN the state interferes with conscience, it raises its hand against the only barrier between manhood and knavery.
THERE is something very serious the matter with the eyesight of the government when it cannot distinguish the interests of the individual citizen apart from the mass.
THE hardest place in the world with a clear conscience is more comfortable than the easiest place without it.
THE great trouble with the world to-day is that it has forgotten what it ought to have remembered, and discovered what it ought never to have known.
THE pressure of religious legislation always falls heaviest upon the person who refuses to be a hypocrite.
THE righteousness which is set up by the State, is by that fact dependent upon the state, and therefore lacks the stable and permanent character of true righteousness.
THE foundation of all successful government is individual self-government.
ALL religious legislation is an effort to stagnate the current of religious thought, the flow of which maintains the religious life of society.
THE State can exercise no power for the good of its people beyond that of protecting each individual in the enjoyment of his rights.
IT requires neither education, wealth, nor political influence to be a despot.
[Inset.] THE INDEFINITE SABBATH AND THE DEFINITE SUNDAY. SPEAKING to his congregation concerning the observance of the fourth commandment, the preacher says it doesn’t matter about the particular day of the week; God isn’t particular about that, but merely requires that we observe one day in seven, and this we do by observing the first day of the week. But an individual who chose to observe the seventh day of the week instead of the first, in harmony with God’s Sabbath law but contrary to man’s, discovered that the particular day of the week was really a most important matter in the view of the upholders of the Sunday law. He found himself under arrest for not observing the particular day of the week “commonly called Sunday,” and the preacher explained to him very positively that his arrest was altogether proper, because in not observing that particular day he had desecrated the Sabbath.