EVANGELIST D. L. MOODY does not agree with the clergymen who are preaching reform by “Christian citizenship” and similar theories. We hear it said everywhere now that the great need of the church is to secure the alliance of the State. In Pittsburg, for example, a federation of the churches has secured an alliance with a great labor organization, by which achievement it is thought an important step has been taken toward the overthrow of the kingdom of evil and the setting up of righteousness in the earth, or at least in that portion of it. The system only needs to be extended to produce general righteousness in society and government, and it is proposed to extend it; for as one speaker said, “We are going to have one vast confederacy and federation;” and then “Woe to him who stands up against it.”
But Evangelist Moody takes no stock in anything of [258] this kind. He wants to see the church get power from an altogether different source. He says so very plainly and forcibly. Listen to these words addressed to a Chicago audience by the great revivalist a few days ago:—
“Ten great sermons have been preached by the apostles,—sermons that led the way for all the gospel sermons that have come in these later days. The power of God and of the Holy Ghost was with Peter. If that power rested upon the church to-day, we could drive the rum devil from the world. Human nature has not changed in the last 1900 years. Preach a different gospel from that which was successful in the apostolic days? O, bosh!
“There will be riots and revolution all over this land if things to on another twenty-five years as they have been going. What can prevent such horrors? What can save the life of the nation? Only the strength of a quickened church, and the church can only be quickened by a visitation of power such as the old apostles knew! May we get back that old apostolic fire again.”
That is what Brother Moody says on this great question, and we think he knows what he is talking about. We think so because his words are in harmony with Scripture, and with his own experience and the history of all successful reform work since the Christian Church began.