THE February Christian Endevorer contains the following:—
“Intense interest was caused by the publication, in the January Christian Endeavorer, of Rev. S. W. Gamble’s discovery that ‘the Jewish Sabbath was not Saturday, but was a movable one.’ Letters have been pouring in to him and into this office from all over the land, expressing the thanks of the writers that this new theory has been made known. Lack of space prevents our publishing a tithe of the letters that have been received from leading men of every denomination.”
Well, we have always thought there was a good deal of uneasiness and uncertainty in the camp of the Sunday forces regarding the genuineness of their sabbath, and now we know it. Their action in this case confesses it. The greeting accorded Mr. Gamble’s “great discovery” by “leading men of every denomination,” is that of something which supplies a long felt want. A dubious testimonial this, for all the argument which was supposed to furnish an abundant support to the Sunday sabbath heretofore.
And by this very fact, the Rev. Mr. Gamble’s “discovery” has done more already to weaken the Sunday institution that it can ever do to sustain it. For erelong it will be found that this “discovery” is not what it seemed at first, and the long felt want will make itself more keenly felt by the adherents of tradition than ever before. These “great discoveries” which overthrow the Sabbath of the fourth commandment have been coming regularly for a long time, and they will continue to come with their accustomed frequency. But meanwhile the Sabbath, like Moses before the infidels, manages to keep right side up.