“AND ye shall be my witnesses … unto the uttermost part of the earth” were Jesus’ last words to his apostles before his ascension, and were meant for his followers for all time; but judging from the press reports of pulpit utterances, from all over the country, one would think that to-day the order of things was changed, that the duty of the “ambassador for Christ” instead of beseeching men to be reconciled to God, was to incite them to war, and send them forth, not to save men’s lives, but to destroy them.
THE fiat has gone forth, and from human lips, that “Christ is to be this world’s king,” and also the manner by which this is to be accomplished, namely, “through the gateway of politics.” This of course cannot be accomplished in all the earth at one time, so the initiative has been taken here in America, and it has been purposed to “enthrone Christ on Capitol Hill” as this nation’s king. And this being made an accomplished fact, the movement will reach out till, “through the gateway of politics,” all the earth shall be brought into subjection to Him. Yes; Christ is to be given the kingdoms of this world (Revelation 11:15), and he is to reign forever; but is it to be accomplished in the manner described above? Is Christ to become king through the ballot? On the contrary we are taught in the Word that instead of becoming king through the puny efforts of men, God himself will give him the kingdom (Psalm 2:8; Ezekiel 21:27), and he shall reign forever. O that men would forsake the ways and means that are not of God, that they would realize their high and holy calling, that instead of seeking through the primary and the polls to set up the kingdom of Christ, they would seek to draw men away from the things of this present evil world, and prepare them to stand in that day when the kingdoms of this world, being given to Christ, he shall dash them in pieces like a potters vessel (Psalm 2:9), and set up his kingdom which, occupying the whole earth, shall stand forever. Daniel 2:35, 44.
THERE is plenty of talking to-day concerning “Christian citizenship,” and the duties of the “Christian citizen.” This country is beyond question the grandest country in the world, but the Christian is a citizen of a better country than this. The citizen of this country may have privileges above that of citizens of all other countries, but the “Christian citizen” has privileges above even this, and the duties that pertain to the Christian citizen are far above and beyond, in every particular, the duties of him who boasts of his citizenship here. The Christian’s citizenship is in heaven (Philippians 3:2, R. V.) and it is his privilege to have the “angels of God” (Hebrews 2:6) do service for him. Hebrews 2:14 (R. V.) Not only that, but he has been called to fill the position of fellow-worker with God (1 Corinthians 3:9) and raised to the position of joint-heir with Jesus Christ as a child of God (Romans 8:17) and been given the position of ambassador from the court of heaven (2 Corinthians 5:20), his duty as such, grand and noble above all this earth can give, is to present the claims of God upon man to his fellow-beings, and call them from the kingdoms of this world unto the kingdom of God’s dear Son. Colossians 1:13.