“Still Courting Rome” American Sentinel 9, 35, p. 276.

THERE are “Protestants” and Protestants. The former are those who, while bearing the name, declare by their acts that Protestantism has no reason for existence, no excuse for being; that Rome is Christian, one of the “grand divisions of the Redeemer’s army,” etc. Such “Protestants” have no use for the caution given by the Apostle John: “If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God-speed.” Rome comes bringing another doctrine, namely, salvation by penance instead of salvation by faith, and yet “Protestants” do, in effect bid her God-speed, as witnesseth the following from the Pilot, the leading Catholic paper of Boston:—

Chautauqua Sends Greetings

On Wednesday, August 8, a very interesting incident occurred. It was the receipt of a telegram by the Rev. Thomas J. Conaty, D.D., president of the Catholic Summer School, from Bishop John H. Vincent, the chancellor and founder of Chautauqua. It read:—

Chautauqua, N.Y., August 7.

By a vote of 5,000 Chautauquans to-night Chautauqua sends greeting and best wishes to the Catholic Summer School.


Wednesday night, just before Father Pardow’s lecture, Dr. Conaty read the telegram to a crowded audience, which received it with enthusiasm and loudly applauded this answer:—

The scholars of the Catholic Summer School of America are deeply grateful for Chautauqua’s cordial greeting, and send best wishes to Chautauqua in return.

THOS. J. CONATY, President.

But this is only what we might expect. Years ago “Protestants” declared: “Whenever they [the Roman Catholics] are willing to coöperate with us in resisting the progress of political atheism we will gladly join hands with them.” This Chautauqua gush is only a part of the programme. [276]

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